Well, I already saw two 69 Eyes' gigs this year, one at Nottingham, UK in our holidays and about couple of weeks ago in São Paulo, Brazil. This is a little crazy if you think about this band is from Helsinki.
My wife is huge fan of 69 Eyes, and because of that I became a good fan of then. She love the Blessed Be and Paris Kills albuns, but I prefer Angels, Devils and Back In Blood. I like more the Rock'n Roll style, than gothic style.
Lets talk about the artwork. The 69 Eyes' Back In Blood cover art was made by Estevan Oriol. He's an artist and photographer from LA, California. I like this cover art, but... this cover is too much similar with the Deftones' (same name album) cover art.
The Deftones album was released first and this cover was made by Frank Maddocks. He also did the White Pony and the last released album from Deftones called Diamond cover arts.
When I was younger than now (hehehe), I really liked Deftones, today I just like it. I prefer much more 69 Eyes and I think the 69 Eyes cover is better and beautiful than the Deftones artwork. What do you think of this similarity?
Listen the two albums and choose your own preference. :)